Home » Camp » Volunteer Counselor Application

Thank you for your interest in joining the fun as a volunteer counselor at RMC! 

Counselors with campers
Counselor helping camper
Volunteer Counselor showing kids how to weave
Counselor posing with camper
Counselor listens to camper's story
Volunteer counselor with virtual campers
Counselor high fiving camper
Volunteer counselor at her desk with camp counselors

The counselors my daughter had were amazing. Their impact on her was the best take-away of the week. I am so grateful that she was surrounded by strong men and women who are completely selfless and kind-hearted. These men and women are the types of role models that I have longed for her to have.” –Grateful Caregiver 

Who are our Volunteer Counselors? 

  • Our more than 125 volunteer counselors and wellness staff are a diverse group from all walks of life, with different personalities and a multitude of talents and strengths. Our team ranges in age from the minimum of 20 to 70+, with a median age of about 43 years old. Approximately 20% of our staff are former campers and we experience a return rate of over 75% each year. 
    • New counselor additional Frequently Asked Questions can be found here. 
    • Our program is camper centered and we look for people who are willing to put aside their own interests and comforts to serve our campers first and foremost. 
  • Please read the information below to learn more about camp and the types of counselor roles available in either in-person or virtual camp. We can guarantee that this experience is one that will change your life! 

What is the Time Commitment for a Volunteer Counselor? 

  • To be fully prepared and ready to be a great counselor, there is an application and training process that we require of every volunteer counselor as follows: 
    • An application
    • An initial interview after receipt of application (new counselors)
    • A group interview and orientation for new applicants virtually in June (date TBD)
    • Criminal, FBI, and child abuse background clearances
    • Approximately 4 hours of online training on your own time schedule
    • For Virtual camp: time commitment is flexible and based on your choice of activity and may not include all days/times of programming. 
    • For In-person camp: the entire camp week, beginning on Saturday morning and ending on the following Saturday at around 11AM at Camp Timber Tops (1620 Rt. 6, Greely, PA). 

Virtual camp (July 7th-12th 2024) might be a great fit for you if you… 

  • Love the serving and impact, but not the 24/7 involvement and woods!  
  • Can commit to shorter blocks of time to run an activity, or lead “cabin time.” 
  • Have sensitivity for children who are closer to/actively in their cancer treatment journey. 
  • Have a unique skill to highlight and involve campers in (if you want to lead activities; room monitor positions are also available!) 
  • Are not able to attend in-person in Pennsylvania; you could be anywhere in the world!  
  • Have a willingness to use Zoom to interact (training can be provided) 
  • What do Counselors do at Virtual Camp? 
  • Role: At Virtual camp, counselors play the important role of creating a welcoming, inclusive, and fun environment on screen for our campers on active treatment, or those who are not yet ready to experience in-person camp.  
  • Positions available: There are opportunities to be a bunk counselor for a group of junior campers, an activity leader for our older campers, or a room monitor to assist and enjoy watching our campers engage and make friends. If you have a hobby or specific activity you’d like to share, we would love to talk with you! 
  • Hours: Virtual camp hours during the week are 10am-noon, 1pm-3pm, and an evening activity between 7-8pm. The beauty of virtual camp is flexibility. You can choose the times that work best around your schedule and enjoy camp from the comfort of your own home with our campers.  You can participate all week or choose a lighter schedule. Whatever time commitment you can make helps us make Virtual RMC a fun and engaging week for our campers! 

 In-person camp (August 10th-17th 2024) might be a great fit for you if you…

  • Are looking for a rewarding experience. 
  • Love serving children and are a mature decision maker with great interpersonal/communication skills, can manage in a dynamic, outdoor environment, radiate enthusiasm for our camp program, and deal effectively with conflict. A positive, healthy attitude and frequent smiles are must haves! 
  • Understand that being a counselor is a test of flexibility, patience, and requires the ability to share your space closely with children and other adults 24/7 for an entire week. 
  • Have empathy but not pity for campers experiencing or have been through cancer.  
  • Would enjoy a rustic camping experience in the Poconos Mountains. This means that there are hills, cabins with screened windows, sharing a bathroom with 8-14 campers, being exposed to insects and other wildlife, and weather challenges.  
  • Are in good physical shape, as our facility has rugged terrain, and you will find yourself on your feet all day long. 
  • Are capable of acting “in loco parentis” for the full week (24/7) alongside 2-3 other counselors. You’ll see the joys of working with kids up close and you’ll also be there when temper tantrums and other behaviors may occur. You are responsible for a child’s general wellbeing, reminders for hygiene, and other life skills and will experience the “highs” and “lows” of their day. 
  • Have skills that are best displayed in an in-person setting (i.e., woodworking, sports, sewing, etc.) that can contribute to an exciting and creative program.
  • What do Counselors do at In-person Camp? 
  • Expectations: From the moment our campers arrive on Sunday afternoon until the following Saturday morning, counselors and staff work together 24/7 to create the magical RMC experience! You will be paired with 2-3 other counselors in a cabin (or act as an activity specialist). It is a constant team effort among bunk counselors and our entire staff to foster a positive, inclusive environment that is centered upon making campers’ weeks the best ever. We consider ourselves a camp family and create an environment at camp where everyone belongs. 
  • Schedule: The daily schedule will include plenty of fun activities, some run by Camp Timber Tops staff, some by activity specialists with your support, and some entirely by you and your co-counselors. The day begins at 7am, ends between 9-10pm, and it’s filled with what we like to call our “special camp moments” … times when we are privileged to witness friendships blossoming, challenges overcome, and precious camper smiles. It’s also filled with the practical: getting campers to meals, activities, and bed on time, resolving conflicts, dealing with typical childhood behavior and being active from the time you wake up until the time you hit your pillow at night! 
  • Camper Safety & Wellness: Most importantly, counselors are responsible for the safety and well-being of every camper they encounter. Our medical/psychosocial staff is trained to handle specific issues related to cancer or other medical conditions; counselors are only responsible for being aware of the general health of their campers and reporting any changes to the medical staff.  

 Questions? Contact Victoria@rmhcphilly.org

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