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Thank You, 2024 Ronald McDonald Camp Donors!

photos of children at Ronald McDonald Camp

The following donors made an in-kind or financial gift to RMC between 11/1/23 and 10/31/24:

Cabin and Activity Space Sponsors $2,500+

Alan and Jill Miller
American Heritage Credit Union
Anthony DeCarlo
Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation
Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurses (APHON)
Barbara and Robert Lewis
Bruce and Nadine Goldenberg
Care Camps
CJR Memorial Foundation
Craig and Sandy Steeneck
Daniel and Adele Carlin
Daniel and Tammy Tanney
Dave Farragut
Dolly and Lou Blanco
Don Follett
Ellis A. Gimbel Trust
George and Susan Turner
Hyatt Family Fund
Jeanne and Steve Follett

Joseph and Donna Cleary
Just Born Quality Confections
Katie Kirlin Fund
Louis and Bessie Stein Foundation
M&SCA of Eastern PA
Mark and Lynn Samson
Mark and Susan Panella
McDonald’s Faro Blanco Invitational Tarpon Tournament
Mike Kelly and Alison Saifer
Penny Weiner
Rhona and Louis Fromm
Robert and Barbara Dilsheimer
Steven Berman
Sue and Mark Rabinowitz
Susan R. Menkowitz
The Invisible Prince Charitable Foundation
The Lotman Family
The Montufar Family
The Turner Family
Keeping the Faith Foundation
Tim Kerr Charities
Zisman Family Foundation

Adopt a Camper Donors $600 - $2,499

Beth Long
Brenda McAuliffe
Bruce and Lynne Blatt
Camp Timber Tops
Charles and Kathleen Previti
Cyril and Peggy Talbot
Dave Diefenderfer
David and Patricia Mitchell
Edmund G. Taussig and Frances Kath Taussig Foundation
Edward and Cindy Ryan
Frank and Linda Collison
Frank T. Mara
Fred and Deirdre Anderson
Gary and Cathleen Plefka
George and Jo Jenkins
Gini and Stu Peltz
Gisela Alter
Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos – Society of St. Luke
Harry & Veronica Hoplamazian
IUEC Local No. 5
Jack and Phyllis Surdoval
James Kaiser
Jeanette and Richard Woehr
Jill Horn
Jim and Rita Burlaga
Jo Ann Burke
John and Gina Tighe
John Makara and Katherine Patterson
Joseph and Joan Aronson

Joseph Douress
Kay’s Foundation
Ken and Lori Harvey
Kevin Fitzpatrick
Kristine Russo
Marlene Weinberg
Marsha & Joseph Dratch
Matthew Rose
Maureen Roynan
Merrick Family Foundation
Morgan III and Nicole Cowperthwaite
Mr. Joe Booden
Mrs. Kathleen M. Mullen
Olivia Santoro
Patricia Schmieg
Paul and Susan Gambardella
Peter and Margaret Krauth
Pozzuolo Rodden, P.C.
Robert and Jo Sautter
Ronald and Estelle Nighswander
Rosalie Hetrick
Shira Goldberg
Stephen and Lizabeth Raynes
Stephen and Salli Mickelberg
Steven C. Lapsley
Steven Feldhamer
Susan and Dave Hacker
Susanne Morello
The Joey Pozzuolo Family Foundation
The WGI Family
Todd Bowers
Yvonne Ragin

General Camp Support

ACC-DTA – CIS Division
Allan and Sherry Witman
Allison and Matthew Benkert
Alyssa Bailkin
American Picture Framing
Andrew and Dunyia Stefanick
Andrew and Jennifer Pappas
Ann and John Sfakianos
Anne DiSisto
Anne M. Farrington
Annette Curtis
Arthur Kajfosz
Barbara Neil
Barry Shapiro & Family
Bernadette Wheeler
Bill Traphagen
Bob and Joan Anderson
Bonnie Jordan
Bud Blower
Carl Kazinetz
Carolyn Pritchyk
Charles and Susan Famiglietti
Christina Robbins
Christine Murphy
Conrad Strabone
Craig and Denise Talley
Daniel and Janet Duffy
Daniel and Patricia Austin
David and Amy Pollack
David and Elizabeth Wright
David and Fay Rosenthal
David and Jane Shoemaker
Denise Tomkewitz
Dennit and Donna Golden
Don and Caroline Bellusci
Donald and Jane McDermott
Donald Feltman
Donna and Mark Juliano
Dorothy Romans
E. Linda and Henry Berkowitz
Eileen Bloom
Ellen and Jeff Conybear
Emma Higgins
Epstein Family Charitable Trust
Erin Joseph
Francelia Turner
Francine Shandler
Frank Angelucci
Gale and Keith Banks
Gary and Barbara Benko
Gary and Patricia Diggs
Gene and Pauline Reiner
George and Dianne Miller
Grace Caniglia
Gregory and Jean Warner
Harry and Kathleen Sauers
Haymakers for Hope
Ian and Jennifer Riley
Irmgard Langacker
James and Caroline Coleman
James and Colleen Rabbitt
James and Jeanne Couillard
Jane Mansfield
Janet and Gary Thom
Jean Quier
Jeanne Schoepe
Jim and Kathy Rakitsky
Joan Blaker
Joan Garde
Joel and Ellen Segel
John and Linda Gambarani
John Billington VFW 6495 Auxilary
John Puzio
John Viniski
Jon Faul
Joseph and Carol Wolf
Joseph and Charlene Ottinger
Joyce Loeb
Judith Zatz
Judy Leventon
Karen and Lawrence Coyne
Karen Gitsas
Kathleen Bergmann
Kathleen Bower

Kathryn Long
Kathy Grady
Ken and Susan Troise
Kimberly and Glenn DiLella
Laura Gelpke
Laurence and Christine Harrod
Laurence Brunswick
Linda Parry
Ling Chang
Liz and Jeremy Schwehm
Liz ThulLuanne and Craig Carlton
Lucinda Scace
Lucy Sanvitale
Marc and Carol Rubinger
Margaret Lonzetta
Maria Nachilo Knapp
Marie Wadecki
Mary and John Kuschyk
Mary Ann Fazzini
Mary Anne & Mike Lucas
Mary Ellen Walder
Mary Kinneman
Mary Lou Gross
Max and Sandi Paul
Meg Dowd
Michael and Kari Diamond
Michael Fountaine
Michael Sherenian
Michele Jenkins
Michele Thomas
Mike O’Connell
Monica L. Cruz
Morton Silverstein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Cairns
Mrs. Gerald F. Stussy
Mukesh Patel
Neil and Cheryl Shusterman
Patrick Donofrio
Penny Kelleher
Philip and Marjorie Freed
Phyllis Foreman
Plymouth Rotary Club
Rachel Johnson
Ralph Lennon
Renee and Robert Frank
Rheta Smith
Robert and Michaeline Wozniak
Robert Auslander
Roberta Allen
Ron and Norma Heller
Ronald and Janice Kern
Rosalind Zerick
Russell and Judith Gombos
Sandra and H. Dale
Sandra Shaljian
Sharon Crowley
Stanley and Sheila Brecher
Stephen and Jenny Ferroni
Stephen and Joan Trachtenberg
Stephen Morgan
Steven Nudd
Susan Salvadge
Susan Shea
Suzanne Cuddy
System Six Bookkeeping LLC
Tanya Krochta
The Kids and Clays Foundation
Thomas and Carol Wilson
Thomas and Connie Pevorus
Thomas and Kim Duffy
Thomas and Lee Boetefuer
Thomas and Martha Ruggieri
Thomas and Rosemarie Ingelsby
Todd Povell
Tom and Trudy York
Tom Gibson
Tony and Julie Butterfield
Tracy Zalenski
Trisha Danze
Vincent and Karen Newhard
Violet and Rodger Heil
Wilford and Elizabeth Reynolds
William and Dorothy Campbell

In-Kind Camp Support

Abbien Crowley Ciucci
Adria B. Epley
Albert Miller Jr & John Baker
Alice Creswick
All Racquet Sports LLC
Anne Letherby
Anthony Rizzo Foundation
Aviezer Yehuda
Barbara Paolillo
Berje, Inc.
Beth Shore
Bill Traphagen
Brad Perrone
Brian & Brittany Tanney-Moran
Caitlin Orr
Cara Burrell
Carmen Deo
Carolyn Pritchyk
Chelsea Apple
Christen Cable
Cindy White
Cliff Quinn
Colgate W. Salomon
Conte’s U-Do- It Car Wash, Inc.
Daniel H. Chung
Danielle Kohler
Darlene Barkman
Dave Diefenderfer
Dennis McGarry
DJ Tanney
Donna L. Cooney
Drumbore Family
Edgewell Personal Care
Elaine Roy
Elena Morgan
Ellen T. Slaymaker
Emily Torres
Emma Higgins
Eric Weinstein, Live Balloons Party Entertainment
Erika Allen, Make Modern
Fazzini Family
Fowler Family
Geissele Family
Golf Car Specialties
Hadley William Glynn
Headbands of Hope
Heather Cardamone
Heather Formica, Thirty One Independent Consultant
Heather Kennedy
Hillman Security & Fire Technologies
Hurkiser Family
James Albi
Jaymee Lee Salomon
Jean Spera
Jeanne Follett
Jennifer Swope
Jenny L. Reed
Jessie Rees Foundation
JoAnn Smith
Joe Listo
John Baker
Judy Zatz
Julia Curcio
Just Born Quality Confections
Kari Diamond
Karla Martinez
Kathleen Halek
Kathleen Schuler
Kathy Graybill
Kathy Neely

Kelly M. Krapf
Kevin Shannon
Keyboard Advertising Specialties
Kristine Russo
Laumann Family
Lauren Cofone
Lisa Moletzsky
Lisa Stevenson
Liz Nodeland
Lori Wyczawski
Lundy Law Library Express
Magdalene Dressel
Magno Family
Marianne D. Solenberger
Marie Zarrilli
Marielle & Max Smoller
Marissa Shiarappa
Mark Banker
Mary Ann Fazzini
Mary M. Herron
Maryann Christine
Maureen Roynan
McCarthy Family
Medkeff Family
Melissa Pisano
Michael’s Way
Michelle Hamilton
Miller Family
Miller Family
Mullen Family
Nancy T. Wimmer
Natalini Family
Nicholas Cataldi
Nicole Manfredo
Nicole Muller
Pam Hickman
Paula Reene
Peter B. Hansen
PGA Tour Superstore of Plymouth Meeting
Pine Forest Camp CIT Program
Rannade Goyal
Rob & Devin Manley
Robyn Napoli
Rotation Gives
Ruth Dunbar & Margie Rochelle
Ruth Hausen
Ryan’s Case for Smiles
Sage Heyman
Sandra Steeneck
Sanjay K. Sharma
Sarah C. Johnson
SEA LIFE Orlando Aquarium
Sharon Sulecki
Sherry Hanley
Stephanie Fooks-Parker
Stephanie A. Rucci
Stephen & Sandi Boyles
Sue Golbek
Susan & John Hahnenfeld
Susie Vargo
Suzanne Lee
Tammy Jo Tanney
Teresa Buffolino
Teresa L. Miller
Tessa Listo
Theresa Myers
Thibaut Design
Tina Phillips
Vincent Reeves
Wheeler Family
William G. Weikel