Adopt A Room Sponsorship levels
Exclusive Room Sponsor
Donor will have exclusive
sponsorship over one guest
bedroom at the Chestnut
Street House or the Front &
Erie House for 2022.
Shared Room Sponsor
Two donors may be assigned
to the same guest bedroom
for the period of one year.
Paired donors will not be in
competing industries.
All Adopt A Room Sponsors will receive the following benefits:
• Recognition of your sponsorship will greet all guests and visitors on the floor of your sponsored room, and you/your company will be listed on signage in a high traffic area in both of our Houses.
• You will receive personal notes from families who stay in your sponsored room during the year of your sponsorship.
Due to the limited number of Adopt A Room partnership opportunities available, you will have first right of refusal for the Adopt A Room partnership for the following year.
Add Additional Family Support to your Gift
Family Services Support
Your additional gift of $1,000
will go toward enhancing the
psychosocial services offered
by our Family Services Team.
A family with a sick child is a sick family, and our Family Services team works day in and day out to bring wellness to the whole family. The services offered by the team—including stress-management, wellness workshops, financial support with routine expenses, regular one-on-one meetings, and more—create an atmosphere of care and support when families need it most.
As RMHC social worker Liz Thul says, “The House provides the physical safety, our kitchen provides the nutritional safety, and the social work team creates the psychological, spiritual, and emotional safe space for our families. All of these elements are equally important to a family’s well-being.”